Twitter Opens Tweet Archive for Scientific Researchers

Twitter has opened an archive of tweets for scientific researchers. This way the IT-company supports research on online discourse and trends on the platform.

More data and access to them

Twitter launched a new type of connection to Academic Research API. Such a subscription will give researchers access to all methods from the second version of the Twitter API:

  • Free access to the entire history of public discussions by searching the entire tweet archive. Previously, this option was only available with a paid premium subscription or corporate clients;
  • Higher access to the Twitter developer platform for free, including a higher downloadable tweet limit of 10 million. This is 20 times higher than what is available in the standard plan. The developers plan to expand the limits in the future;
  • The ability to filter your searches more precisely to limit the collection relevant to your exploration data. Academic subscribers have access to filters that are not available in other plans: $(cashtag), biobio_namebio_locationplaceplace_countrypoint_radiusbounding_box-is:nullcasthas:cashtags and has:geo;
  • Increased maximum rule length for requesting data: 1024 characters versus 512 in the standard plan
  • Technical and methodological tutorials on API access

Twitter plans to expand access to data for researchers to provoke research that could reveal insights into how people interact online. More details about the Academic Research plan are available in the official announcement. To apply for an Academic Research subscription, you must apply.

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