Zyda: 1.3T Dataset for Open Language Modeling

zyda dataset composition

Zyda is a 1.3 trillion-token open-source dataset designed for open language modeling. Zyda integrates a range of high-quality open datasets, including RefinedWeb, Starcoder, C4, Pile, enhancing them through comprehensive filtering and deduplication.

Objective: Zyda aims to deliver a straightforward, accessible, and high-performance dataset suitable for language modeling experiments and training at the trillion-token scale. Ablation studies indicate that Zyda surpasses all existing open datasets, including Dolma, Fineweb, Pile, RefinedWeb, and SlimPajama.

Zyda Key Features

  • High Quality: Zyda is composed of 1.3T tokens, meticulously filtered and deduplicated, sourced from top-tier datasets.
  • Performance: Zyda outperforms major open language modeling datasets, including Dolma, Fineweb, and RefinedWeb, and each of its component subsets individually.
  • Unique Deduplication: Implements cross-dataset deduplication to eliminate duplicates across component datasets.
  • Open License: Zyda is available under a permissive Apache 2.0 open license.

Dataset Composition

Zyda was formed by merging and meticulously processing seven respected datasets: RefinedWeb, Starcoder, C4, Pile, SlimPajama, pe2so, and arxiv. The creation process involved syntactic filtering to eliminate low-quality documents, followed by aggressive deduplication both within and between datasets. This cross-deduplication was crucial as many documents appeared in multiple datasets, likely due to common sources like Common Crawl. Approximately 40% of the initial dataset was discarded, reducing the token count from about 2T to 1.3T.


zyda evals

Zyda’s efficacy is demonstrated by the performance of Zamba, a model trained on Zyda, which significantly outperforms models trained on competing datasets on a per-token basis. This underscores Zyda’s robustness as a pretraining dataset.

zamba performance LLM with zyda dataset

Zyda represents a significant advancement in open language modeling, offering an unparalleled resource for researchers and developers.

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