14 Free Courses on Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Analysis, and Python

30 August 2023
free machine learning data science analysis python courses

14 Free Courses on Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Analysis, and Python

The prevailing trend in online education is the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Free courses on machine learning, data science, data analysis, and Python are readily available, based…

GraphGallery: a library for graph neural networks on PyTorch and TensorFlow

2 March 2021

GraphGallery: a library for graph neural networks on PyTorch and TensorFlow

GraphGallery is a library for training and testing graph neural networks. GraphGallery implements adversarial attacks on graph neural networks. The library is compatible with PyTorch, TensorFlow 2.x, Pytorch Geometric (PyG),…

Google Introduced Lingvo – A TensorFlow Framework for Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling

4 March 2019

Google Introduced Lingvo – A TensorFlow Framework for Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling

Google announced that it has open-sourced Lingvo – a scalable TensorFlow framework for language modeling. Lingvo is a framework developed initially as a general deep learning framework with a focus…

Google Announced New Feature in Tensorflow 2.0 — Tensorflow Datasets

28 February 2019

Google Announced New Feature in Tensorflow 2.0 — Tensorflow Datasets

Google introduced TensorFlow Datasets – a collection of public, open-source datasets ready to use with TensorFlow. TensorFlow was lagging behind Pytorch when it comes to ease of data loading. Pytorch…

Google Revealed Details About The New TensorFlow 2.0

18 January 2019

Google Revealed Details About The New TensorFlow 2.0

Google has released details of the new version of the most popular machine learning library, TensorFlow 2.0. In their blog post, the TensorFlow team at Google gave a sneak peek…